Friday, February 28, 2025

Planning for production #2

Production Day 2:

-For my second day of filming, I have decided I am going to film all the scenes that require going through my character's quick flashes of day to day activities as she goes through that self improvement journey that my film is based on. On this day, I will be getting other people to participate in my film and they are also going to be helping me through this filming process. These specific scenes are all going to be very short clips as I do need to fit in the whole storyline in the span of the 2 minute mark, but the quick flashes of change in setting and activity is going to be a good representative of what is going through our character's brain on a daily, signifying worry and rushing thoughts of needing to achieve something great; in need of wanting to make something useful of herself as she no longer wants to stay stuck in a cycle where she does nothing but stay in her room and dwell on the past. 

-The filming process for this is simple, I will be filming throughout the span of the whole day with my actors and other scenes by myself, as I just take the camera with me through my day, and the reason why I say this process shouldn't be that hard is because since the film is based on true events, most of what is going to be portrayed are things that I myself do mostly on the daily, it is now just required to properly film them in a way that looks pleasing and can correlate to the plot of my film.

-On this day I will also be filming the writing scenes I was previously discussing in other posts, it is going to be mixed into the other scenes, like I said, all short clips. I will be using my tripod to set it up at an angle where it only shows the writing on paper as our character is using this writing as a way to express herself. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Planning for production #1

 Production Day 1:

-For the first day of the production process, I will be filming in my bedroom, and with the help of a tripod I am going to set the camera at an angle which faces my bed, as the film will open with my character on her bed. (don't worry it's not going to be consecutive shots of my character just getting ready for the day). For this particular shot I have to make sure the lighting is very dim, almost suggesting like it is almost night time.

( I haven't started the filming yet but here is a reference image.)

I will be filming for 3 days out of the 5 weekdays, and if I don't find to be done, I will be definitely finishing the filming process on the weekend, but for the first day out of the three all the bedroom scenes will be filmed, and they mostly consist of my character in her bed and in different areas of her room either pacing or reflecting etc. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Editing Softwares

 Hello Cambridge! It has finally come to the time where filming is going to begin, some of my classmates already started, but due to some difficulties this week, I will be starting as of next week, so for now I am going to be talking about the editing softwares I am planning to use for my opening and in the next few blogs I will be discussing the equipment that is going to be used and the schedule I have planned for filming, along with the places I have in mind.

When it comes to editing softwares, we have been taught how to use the Adobe editing tool for previous projects that we have had, so I will definitely be utilizing this tool to edit my opening, but since I am working on a Mac, I have decided to also utilize iMovie if adobe gives me any complications which I doubt, but it is always good to have some sort of backup handy. 

In order to edit, I will be receiving guidance from my peers who are a bit more specialized at editing than I am, but for the most part it is going to be individual; the help I will be receiving will be very beneficial in this case because editing is not one of my strongest skills, but can be manageable. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Now that I am focusing on sound, I will be discussing the techniques I will be going to use in order to produce sound within my opening. I will be using a lot of the audio that is going to be recorded in real time as I am filming my scenes but I will also make some of the audio in my opening by using foley sounds that are going to be edited into my opening. Some of them I will get from certain resources that were given to us for previous projects, and some I will be creating on my own. I am still deciding whether if I am going to incorporate music or not and what type of music it is going to be, since I still need to look at my options under the non-copyrighted section which was provided to me. A lot of the sound in my opening is going to convey what seems like a "quiet life" as my character progresses through her journey. A lot of sounds that consist of her day to day, giving off a silence that represents a sense of the peace in which she is trying to find within her mind. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Mise-en-scene element #2

 The second mise-en-scene element I will be focusing on is costume. The clothes that my character will be wearing is going to be a very important representation of the inner turmoil in which she is going to be facing. The costume will be very simple but will still make sure to do the job of representing the current state in which my character finds herself in. Her choice in clothing is going to change throughout the opening and it is going to play a role in representing how she is upgrading her lifestyle choices. At first we are going to see her in outfits like pajamas which clearly need changing, and as the film progresses we are going to see how she begins to make an effort to appear presentable; actually making an effort to try for herself. 

(Example of the type of costume that will be seen at the beginning of the opening).
                           (Example of the type of costume that will be seen towards the middle).

                (Example of the type of costume that will be seen towards the end of the opening).

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Mise-en-scene element #1

 For this blog post, I will be focusing on mise-en-scene regarding the lighting I will be using in my film. My mise-en-scene is going to focus in creating a certain mood within my opening based on how the lighting is presented. I will be using low-key lighting in the beginning of my opening to convey a mysterious or sentimental mood and then as the film progresses the lighting will gradually change to a more vibrant and sort of nostalgic looking type of lighting. (I will set an example down below). I will be using the dark blue tones to represent a colder environment that will convey emotions of sadness, and then the warm yellows to create a sense of that inner peace that my character is going to achieve. 

-The low lighting I will be using in my opening is going to represent the emotional instability my character is going to be facing as she begins to find the motivation and discipline that will give her the drive to improve the things that she is doing in order to find purpose. 

-This type of lighting will represent the purpose that my character is going to find as she goes through her journey of self-developent. It is going to convey the emotions of joy and pride for the accomplishments she is going to achieve. Creating a lighter mood than what was originally portrayed at the beginning of the opening. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character Development

In my drama/coming of age opening film, my character consists of a troubled teenage girl who is trying to find a sense of purpose within certain aspects of her life. She is currently in a place of discomfort, feeling unhappy with herself, finding a need to pursue personal growth. Throughout my opening we are going to be able to observe our character in a setting in which they are in a place of instability, feeling lost with no sense of guidance with her writing as her only source of escape or relief from the challenges she might be facing. We will then see throughout the film how our character goes through a moment of change and realization, that she must begin to improve her lifestyle. We will see how she will gradually keep on writing and taking action to improve her bad habits and see how she becomes more content with herself over time. In this film she will be taking us through this process of self development through the means of her writing, because to her this is the best form of self expression, to decompress and get that tension off her chest, which helps her become an overall better version of herself. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Film Opening Summary

 My film opening's plot consists of a girl on her journey of self discovery, self growth, and finding purpose through the means of her writing. It is a coming of age/drama film opening and it will consist of our character narrating a story through a piece of dialogue, as she takes us through her journey while documenting it in her writing. I am planning for my film to include a lot of mise-en-scene that is going to set the stage for my plot and I want the opening to really tell a story in which others can resonate with. My opening is inspired on films like "The Perks of Being A Wallflower" and "Girl Interrupted" where we see the main characters often narrating and taking us through the course of their journey, through their writing. That is the central idea of my opening in which I have for now, as I am still trying to brainstorm a couple more ideas that can make my opening more engaging. 

'Girl Interrupted' (1999)
                                               'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower' (2012)

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Media Theory

In my film opening, there will be topics discussed in which a series of events will take place, where our character is seen at an unstable point in their life and the goal is to find a route to find personal growth and transformation. In order for the growth and transformation to occur, our character must go through an episode of psychological discomfort that motivates the person to reduce dissonance and restore balance. This specific idea for my opening originated from the use of a media theory, this media theory is one that I found by researching multiple media theories and finding which one of them all could best apply to the concept of my opening. 

The media theory I wish to integrate into my project is the "Cognitive Dissonance Theory". The theory covers that "people are motivated to change their beliefs or actions when they experience conflict between their thoughts and behaviors". This theory is categorized as a psychological theory and the reason why I want to integrate it with my film is because the theory consists of a process of dissonance, motivation, and change, which are all essential processes of a coming of age film. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Group Meetings

Today I had my first group meeting regarding our portfolio project. I found this group meeting to be very productive because we all got to give each other feedback on what has been worked on so far, we shared our blogs with each other and got to observe the different forms of progress in which we have all made. It was a very interesting meeting because we all got to review our blogs and give each other feedback on not only what we like about the blogs, but also what can be improved (if needed). Every blog had their own unique style, and I must say some of my classmates are pretty creative, and it's very fun to see everyone's individual style when it comes to the way they produce their blogs. 

In today's meeting, we also got to discuss plot ideas for our film openings, we all took turns individually giving some background context as to what makes up our main idea for this film. They were all very great ideas and not only did we discuss but we gave feedback on what can be improved or even new ideas that our classmates can incorporate into their film. I personally found my group's feedback to be very beneficial, as they gave me more ideas that I can add to my film in order to create a better plot that doesn't come off as either too basic or cheesy. They also gave me some great character building schemes I can use to introduce my character. We discussed filming locations and props that we are thinking of using and even soundtracks. Overall I found the group meeting to be successful and efficient for all of us, and I am glad we all got to get ideas and some honest feedback out of it. 


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Blog Topic

 Discussed topic: Representation 

Representation is a key aspect of individual empowerment in a society that so highly values media as a forecaster of culture. It becomes increasingly more difficult for an individual or group of individuals to find value in their differences when they are constantly ignored or, worse, alienated for those differences by popular media.

In terms of race and film, this process of ignoration and alienation began with the inception of the moving picture and continues to some extent today.

-In film, "representation" refers to how different groups of people, such as those of various genders, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, abilities, and socioeconomic classes, are portrayed on screen, highlighting the importance of accurately depicting diverse identities and experiences to avoid harmful stereotypes and promote inclusivity within storytelling. 

Key Points About Representation in film:

-How people see themselves or others reflected on screen can significantly affect their perceptions and understanding of the world. 

-Portraying characters from marginalized groups in complex, nuanced roles that challenge stereotypes and showcase their full humanity. 

-Stereotyping or perpetuating harmful prejudices about specific groups through inaccurate or one-dimensional portrayals. 

-Including a wide range of actors and perspectives behind and in front of the camera to create more authentic representations.

What are the effects of representation?:

-The effects of representation are that It helps people realize that they aren't alone. One of the most important things representation in media can do is help people realize they're not alone. Seeing someone who looks like you, has a similar background as you, or who has experienced the same struggles as you can have a powerful impact.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Project Schedule


Week 1: 

-Introduction to the project.

-Blog postings.

Week 2:

-4 blog postings where we talked about credit sequences, film opening analysis and a topic of our choice.

Week 3:

-Planning the plot for my opening.

-Writing down multiple ideas that are related to the genre I chose.

-Blog my progress.

Week 4:

-Create a storyboard for the scenes I want to incorporate. 

- Start looking for a soundtrack and dialogue 

-Finalize my plot and ideas for my opening. 

-Blog my progress.

Week 5:

-Start gathering cast members for my opening (if needed).

-Buy equipment needed for filming. 

-Start illustrating ideas for credit sequences.

-Start filming. 

-Blog my progress

Week 6:

-Gather up finished scenes.

-Start editing. 

-Blog progress.

Week 7: 

-Post my film progress

-Finish editing 

Put together the final result. 

-Blog the process.

Week 8:

Submit final product.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Credit Sequence Analysis

 Film #1: Call Me By Your Name 

Analysis: Call Me by Your Name is a 2017 film by Luca Guadagnino that explores themes of time, identity, and love. The film's credit sequences can be analyzed for their structure, symbolism, and how they contribute to the film's overall themes.  

Credits analysis: 

During a credit opening, we observe that we are provided with the name of our film, cast members, 

production companies, directors and even creative personnel, usually containing imagery and accompanied

by the film's theme music. 

Credit sequences in Call Me By Your Name:

-The opening credits of Call Me by Your Name (2017) use classical statuary to suggest the film's emotional chargeThe opening scene also establishes the film's setting and introduces the main character, Elio.
-The opening credits feature classical statuary, which Elio's father later discusses. He describes the statues firm
muscles and nonchalant stances as "daring you to desire them".
-Some of the images in the opening credits are just photographs of statues, but these are the ones with additional objects.

First screencap: Cassette tape and sheet music, representing Elio.

Second screencap: German Heptameron, representing Annella, and Stars of David, representing Judaism.

-Third screencap: Typewriter, representing Oliver or Professor Perlman. 

-Fifth screencap: Playing cards, representing Oliver; brushes and other tools, representing Professor Perlman. 

Beyond 'representing' any one given character, I like how the array reminds us that we too have objects that become intrinsically linked with certain memories. 

Film #2: Requiem For A Dream

Analysis: The opening credits for requiem for a dream are pretty simple, yet they tend to play with the emotions of the viewer. The film is about a realistic depiction of life today, and the issues we face in attempting to find purpose in life. The credit sequence in "Requiem for a Dream" is a disturbing and unsettling visual representation of the film's themes, utilizing rapid-fire editing, extreme close-ups, distorted colors, and unsettling sounds to immediately immerse the viewer into the chaotic and deteriorating mental states of the characters, foreshadowing their descent into drug addiction and the destructive nature of their pursuits; effectively setting the tone for the film's dark and harrowing journey. 

Film #3: The Virgin Suicides

Analysis: The credit sequence of The Virgin Suicides by Sofia Coppola ends with a camera tilt into the sky, emphasizing that the story is about the Lisbons, not the boysThe sequence shows the boys standing across from the empty Lisbon house, and the camera shifts to a sidelong view of the boys alone. The camera then tilts up into the sky, where Lux's face appeared in the opening scene. The opening shot is focused on Cecilia in the hospital bed, highlighting her vulnerability and the gravity of her suicide attempt. The establishing shots of the neighborhood showcase manicured lawns and seemingly idyllic houses, creating a stark contrast to the turmoil happening within the Lisbon family. The repeated imagery of the elm trees being sprayed with insecticide, a futile attempt to save them, symbolizes the Lisbon girls' inevitable fate and the inability to prevent their tragic trajectory. 

Film Opening Analysis

Film #1: Stand By Me 
Genre: (Coming of Age) 

Analysis: The opening of 'Stand by Me' establishes the main characters, setting, and central theme. The opening scene is very interesting as it introduces the theme of friendship, the character of Gordie and the setting of present to past. The film opening also introduces the inciting event that sets the plot of the film in motion. In our opening we can observe the sequence of events that take place, we can recognize that the film establishes a melancholic tone by introducing adult Gordie reading a newspaper about his childhood friend Chris Chambers which triggers a flashback to their summer together as 12-year-old boys in 1959, setting the stage for a nostalgic exploration of their deep friendship and the significant journey they took to find a missing boy's body. The opening scene immediately hints at the bittersweet nature of the story, where cherished memories are intertwined with the knowledge of future tragedy. The setting and atmosphere, the visual contrast and foreshadowing all create a beautifully well done opening to the film which really sets the tone when introducing the central characters, the nostalgic theme, and the underlying sense of loss that will drive the narrative forward. 

Film #2: Girl Interrupted 
Genre: (Drama)

Analysis: The opening to 'Girl Interrupted' introduces our character Susanna Kaysen sitting quietly in a dimly lit room at Claymore psychiatric institution, alongside other patients, hinting at her initial confusion and discomfort about being admitted while establishing the film's focus on the female experience within a mental institution. The opening scene for this film sets the stage for Susanna's journey of self-discovery as she navigates the complexities of her diagnosis and relationships with her fellow patients through her writing by using a reflective tone.  We can observe that Susanna grants the audience with character introduction through first person perspective, as Susanna tells her own story directly as she is writing a book about her experiences throughout the course of the film. The opening for this film grants us with visuals and atmosphere that appear dark, and the claustrophobic setting and dimly lit room conveys a sense of unease and isolation, reflecting Susanna's internal state. The thematic foreshadowing also plays a big role in the opening as the scene subtly hints at the film's theme of questioning societal norms regarding mental illness, the power dynamics within the institution, and the complex relationships between the women. The opening scene for 'Girl Interrupted' sets the tone for a film that explores the unsettling and often ambiguous nature of mental illness

Film #3: Mid 90's 

Analysis: The opening scene of 'Mid 90's' immediately establishes the film's themes of troubled adolescence and a yearning for belonging by depicting a violent altercation between young Stevie and his older brother Ian, where Ian physically abuses Stevie, setting the stage for Stevie's desire to escape his home life by seeking connection with a group of skateboarders; this scene also heavily signifies the harsh realities of growing up in a somewhat neglectful environment and the allure of finding a sense of community.

-The main points of the opening scene are the brutal fight between the brothers which immediately showcases Stevie's vulnerability, highlighting his need for a sense of belonging outside the home.
The scene is also shot in a confined space, emphasizing Stevie's isolation and the lack of support within his family. The visual impact that the scene brings is a jarring depiction of the violence and it creates a strong emotional response in the audience setting the tone for the film as it also gives off a sense of foreshadowing.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Aice Media Portfolio: Genre

We are now starting what we have been working towards all of semester one which is the Aice Media, Cambridge Portfolio Project. We have reviewed over the last few months a variety of topics which is going to help facilitate this film organizing process and with the information we have learned on certain techniques, it is essential that we incorporate them into this film. For this section of the organizing process I am going to be talking about genre. I will be covering what will be my approach when it comes to genre for my film and I will be discussing why I made this choice, in my next submission I will be discussing the films that inspired me to partake in this approach and why as well. For my portfolio project, I will be incorporating genres of drama and coming of age into my film. The reason why I choose drama is because I feel like it can illustrate my story in a way where dialogue, conflict and setting can play a big role into the final product of my film. In terms of dialogue, I want the spoken words of my characters to drive action and reveal deep aspects of their personalities and relationships. In terms of setting, I want the time and place where the drama occurs to influence the mood and atmosphere of my film, and as of conflict, I envision a struggle between opposing forces, which can be internal to our character or even external between the character and their environment. For my portfolio project, I will also be incorporating coming of age into my film because coming of age stories often deal with universal themes like identity, growth and self-discovery, making them highly relatable to a wide audience and because of it's diverse storytelling, it is a genre that can be explored through various cultural, social, and personal lenses, offering a rich diversity of stories and perspectives. Incorporating the coming of age genre can create a film that reasonates deeply with audiences and leaves a lasting impact.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Aice Media Portfolio: Analyzing Films

Films that inspired my genre approach: -'The Perks of Being A Wallflower' -'Lady Bird' -'FleaBag' 'The Perks of Being A Wallflower' is a film I got inspired from due to the concept that it holds where Charlie is telling his story through the pages in which he is writing on each and every day as the story progresses. I want my film to have a similar concept to that. I also find 'The Perks of Being A Wallflower' a film to be very useful to illustrate my story because of it's authentic portrayal of adolescence, strong character development, and emotional depth. The film deals with deep and sometimes difficult emotions, allowing for a powerful and moving narrative, which are all ascepts that I want present for my film opening.
'Lady Bird' is a film I got inspiration from as well because it offers a realistic coming of age story along with a strong female portagonist which is something I am going to need If i want this opening to be succesful. The character of lady Bird is well developed, showcasing the complexities of a young woman striving for independence and self discovery. An aspect of cultural relevance that I would like to include in my opening. As for 'Fleabag' I chose to also analyze this film because of the style of openings and intros that they use to present the plot and characters, that I find to be very engaging for an audience, in terms of music, visuals and unique narrative style. The openings provide quick character insight into Fleabag's character and her inner thoughts, making her more complex and relatable. The openings also set the tone and provide the audience with efficient storytelling, advancing plot and character development which are all things I want to keep in mind when working towards my opening.

Group Meeting Summary

 Today, March 11th 2025, I had my second group meeting in regards to my portfolio project. I was paired up with my peers and we got to discu...