Sunday, February 9, 2025

Group Meetings

Today I had my first group meeting regarding our portfolio project. I found this group meeting to be very productive because we all got to give each other feedback on what has been worked on so far, we shared our blogs with each other and got to observe the different forms of progress in which we have all made. It was a very interesting meeting because we all got to review our blogs and give each other feedback on not only what we like about the blogs, but also what can be improved (if needed). Every blog had their own unique style, and I must say some of my classmates are pretty creative, and it's very fun to see everyone's individual style when it comes to the way they produce their blogs. 

In today's meeting, we also got to discuss plot ideas for our film openings, we all took turns individually giving some background context as to what makes up our main idea for this film. They were all very great ideas and not only did we discuss but we gave feedback on what can be improved or even new ideas that our classmates can incorporate into their film. I personally found my group's feedback to be very beneficial, as they gave me more ideas that I can add to my film in order to create a better plot that doesn't come off as either too basic or cheesy. They also gave me some great character building schemes I can use to introduce my character. We discussed filming locations and props that we are thinking of using and even soundtracks. Overall I found the group meeting to be successful and efficient for all of us, and I am glad we all got to get ideas and some honest feedback out of it. 


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Group Meeting Summary

 Today, March 11th 2025, I had my second group meeting in regards to my portfolio project. I was paired up with my peers and we got to discu...