Saturday, February 1, 2025

Aice Media Portfolio: Analyzing Films

Films that inspired my genre approach: -'The Perks of Being A Wallflower' -'Lady Bird' -'FleaBag' 'The Perks of Being A Wallflower' is a film I got inspired from due to the concept that it holds where Charlie is telling his story through the pages in which he is writing on each and every day as the story progresses. I want my film to have a similar concept to that. I also find 'The Perks of Being A Wallflower' a film to be very useful to illustrate my story because of it's authentic portrayal of adolescence, strong character development, and emotional depth. The film deals with deep and sometimes difficult emotions, allowing for a powerful and moving narrative, which are all ascepts that I want present for my film opening.
'Lady Bird' is a film I got inspiration from as well because it offers a realistic coming of age story along with a strong female portagonist which is something I am going to need If i want this opening to be succesful. The character of lady Bird is well developed, showcasing the complexities of a young woman striving for independence and self discovery. An aspect of cultural relevance that I would like to include in my opening. As for 'Fleabag' I chose to also analyze this film because of the style of openings and intros that they use to present the plot and characters, that I find to be very engaging for an audience, in terms of music, visuals and unique narrative style. The openings provide quick character insight into Fleabag's character and her inner thoughts, making her more complex and relatable. The openings also set the tone and provide the audience with efficient storytelling, advancing plot and character development which are all things I want to keep in mind when working towards my opening.

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Group Meeting Summary

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