Production Day 2:
-For my second day of filming, I have decided I am going to film all the scenes that require going through my character's quick flashes of day to day activities as she goes through that self improvement journey that my film is based on. On this day, I will be getting other people to participate in my film and they are also going to be helping me through this filming process. These specific scenes are all going to be very short clips as I do need to fit in the whole storyline in the span of the 2 minute mark, but the quick flashes of change in setting and activity is going to be a good representative of what is going through our character's brain on a daily, signifying worry and rushing thoughts of needing to achieve something great; in need of wanting to make something useful of herself as she no longer wants to stay stuck in a cycle where she does nothing but stay in her room and dwell on the past.
-The filming process for this is simple, I will be filming throughout the span of the whole day with my actors and other scenes by myself, as I just take the camera with me through my day, and the reason why I say this process shouldn't be that hard is because since the film is based on true events, most of what is going to be portrayed are things that I myself do mostly on the daily, it is now just required to properly film them in a way that looks pleasing and can correlate to the plot of my film.
-On this day I will also be filming the writing scenes I was previously discussing in other posts, it is going to be mixed into the other scenes, like I said, all short clips. I will be using my tripod to set it up at an angle where it only shows the writing on paper as our character is using this writing as a way to express herself.
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