Production Day 3:
-On the third and hopefully final day of my filming process, I am going to be filming all the scenes in which my character seems to be doing subjectively better, brighter lighting, different choices in costume and the credits scene.
- Most of these scenes are going to consist of them being outside during the day time, preferably almost sunset to be able to incorporate that "happier" or more "joyful" vibe that I am looking to add to the end of my opening. These shots are mostly going to be done by filming them myself with no equipment use, it's mostly going to be a lot of zoom in's depending on what looks and works best.
-There will be a couple more bedroom scenes, but we are going to be able to observe how the room is more tidy, our character seems like she is in a better state overall and the ending of the opening is going to be wrapped up with scenes of her writing and discarding old memories etc. that no longer serve her purpose signifying that she is finally moving on from her past.
-The final scene as the credits roll is going to be a mirror scene where she is about to leave to go discard all the things she has collected in a bag, and as she is about to exit the room she realizes she left the bag by the bed, and she takes one last look in the mirror before grabbing it and we can genuinely see she is doing way better, she then smiles to herself, letting herself know that she is proud of how far she has come, as she grabs what she needed and proceeds to walk out, now leaving us with an empty room as the credits begin to roll. (the credits of course aren't part of the filming process but more of the editing process).
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